
11 Monique Crt, Raceview 4305

Mandatory statutory testing


Emergency Light Testing

Emergency lighting and exit lighting systems are subject to legal regulations as per AS2293.2 Standard.

All emergency and exit lights must have a battery discharge test every 6 months. Records of all tests conducted and any actions taken for compliance purposes must be recorded.

RCD Injection Testing

Residual current devices or RCD's are often referred to as a safety switches. RCD's are designed to safeguard against hazardous electrical shocks.

AS/NZS 3760 outlines the safety inspection testing method of RCD's including the frequency of testing.

Test and Tagging

is a procedure that involves inspection and testing of electrical equipment for safety, Items that pass testing are tagged in accordance with the AS/NZS 3760 Standard.

Thermal Imaging

Can identify hot spots resulting from loose connections and faulty components. Thermal Imaging can identify problematic areas, enabling the prevention of possible failure or damage before it occurs.


Licenced Electricians

  • ABN: 93 616 171 601
  • Arctick Licence: L140661
  • Contractor’s License: 85825
  • Electrical Licence: 111476
  • CEC Qualified: A4428910

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